Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Unofficial (Tsuneishi Technical Services Phils.) TTSP Hymn

The Unofficial (Tsuneishi Technical Services Phils.) TTSP Hymn
Song & Lyrics by John Paul Claro Ladiao
Music by Randy Baracao
Composed on Autumn, 2005 in Midori-so, Tsuneishi, Numakuma, Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan

TTSP onward steer
TTSP onward gear

Colossal waves that splash onboard
Unify unto our fervent horde
and TTSP is sublime

Amidst the line of blinding sight
Astray into the desolate night
Propel us to the beacon light
Our flagship leads our righteous light
and TTSP is sublime

Feel the breeze upon the shores
And reminisce the ways before
The men who answered the call of design
Ships sail forth and brightly shine
and TTSP is sublime

and TTSP is sublime

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